Showing posts with label productive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label productive. Show all posts

Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered, by Austin Kleon

"Show Your Work!" is about why generosity trumps genius. It’s about getting findable, about using the network instead of wasting time "networking." It's not self-promotion, it's self-discovery--let others into your process, then let them steal from you. Filled with illustrations, quotes, stories, and examples, "Show Your Work!" offers 10 transformative rules for being open, generous, brave, productive.

"Show Your Work!" is about why generosity trumps genius. It’s about getting findable, about using the network instead of wasting time "networking." It's not self-promotion, it's self-discovery--let others into your process, then let them steal from you. Filled with illustrations, quotes, stories, and examples, "Show Your Work!" offers 10 transformative rules for being open, generous, brave, productive.
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